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Alone Yet Together: A Personal Perspective on How Life Has Changed as a Result of the Coronavirus

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

The Coronavirus has affected us all... but perhaps not in the same way.

It's amazing how much life has changed in the past few weeks. We went from going about our daily routine to watching the world stand still. Everything changed in the blink of an eye! The world that we knew was suddenly taken away and we were forced to adapt to a new way of life. For some, it was continuing to go to work and doing the job they were used to doing without change. For others, it was going to work and adapting to a new way of conducting business. For a great majority who were now unemployed and encouraged to stay home, it was finding ways to keep busy without going crazy . . . and for the unsung heroes on the frontlines of the healthcare industry, it was doing the job they were trained to do while attempting to save as many lives as they could including their own. For me, it was a chance to break from the daily routine and reconnect with myself.

I was fortunate enough to escape New York where the virus was growing at an exponential rate and quarantine with my parents at their new home in Delaware. I know how lucky I was to break free from the chaos and welcome a life of stillness. It gave me a chance to reevaluate the choices I've made and look closely at the direction I was headed if I didn't make any changes. I also didn't mind the break from the public. After working in a restaurant for years, I welcomed the time alone. . . to be with myself, go within and listen to the silence. I welcomed the creativity that came along with it. I welcomed the writing, the lack of routine and the extra sleep and much-needed rest. I welcomed the chance to rewrite my story.

Even though I was safe in my own world and using the time away from work for my benefit, I knew that there were many others who were struggling. I knew there were people dying and people who were sick. I knew there were brides who wouldn't get their dream weddings after months or years of planning and high school seniors who wouldn't be dancing at their proms. I knew there were people who worked hard to save for the vacations that they wouldn't get to take and athletes who trained for sports that they wouldn't get to play. I knew there were parents who worried about being able to feel their kids and patients who feared not being able to get their medications. My heart goes out to these people who are suffering and to all those who are scared and alone. We didn't know the world was going to shut down this way, but we can get through it together. Perhaps we can help to make it even better!

They say that things always happen for a reason and sometimes we don't know what that is until after the fact. I choose to believe that this happened in order to give us the opportunity to slow down and reevaluate what matters most; to give us a chance to look at our lives without unnecessary noise and distraction and see firsthand how our actions affect the world and the environment. I believe that the universe is giving us the time we need to change our bad habits and move forward with positive alternatives. I choose to see the light at the end of this dark tunnel and I hope to spread that light to those who need it most. Nothing about this shut down is easy; life as we knew it was stripped away, but together we can combine our strength and offer each other support.

Despite our separation, I've been moved by the outpouring of love--- the people and companies who have come together to help those in need while still maintaining a safe distance, the people at home who are making masks and donating them, the countless acts of kindness, the parades for loved ones for special occasions and the endless support for local businesses. I believe in the good of humanity and the power of the human spirit. We always tend to come together in times of tragedy and allow love to prevail when fear creeps up. I don't pretend to know what the outcome of this time will be or even when it will occur, but I know that I can only do what I can to help better myself and offer words of comfort and support to those who may need it most. We may be alone, but we are also together!

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